This USB C & USB A AC Receptacle Camera that has been Professionally Hardwired into it's TOP Ground Hole! This is an original (not fake) Working A/C Wall Outlet with actual working USB & A/C Plugs. It has been retrofitted with a WIFI IP Pinhole 5MP Camera that has been installed into the Ground HOLE. This is ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT and has been designed to use will all Plugs - The Pinhole Camera is discreet and almost undetectable to the trained eye.
Installation of our USB A & USB C AC Receptacle is Set up (with some added steps) normally like any other House A/C Outlet. Once properly set up you will be able to view Video from the House/Business from anywhere in the world!! The camera works as a standalone or P2P system (Remote View). The USB Ports is Fully functional and is independent of all original equipment. The A/C Outlets & GFCI Breaker are working during Camera Operation.
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